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BU Global Flexi Allocation Fund
BU Global Flexi Allocation Fund ("the Fund") is a sub fund of BU Investment Series OFC ("the Company"), which is a public open ended fund company ("OFC") (business registration number 72687438) regulated under the laws of Hong Kong, with variable capital and limited liability and segregated liability between sub funds.
The Fund invests in emerging markets and may be subject to higher liquidity and volatility risks.
The Fund invests in debts or fixed income securities are exposed to interest rates, credit/counterparty, downgrading, volatility and liquidity, valuation and sovereign debt and credit rating risks which may adversely affect the price of the debt securities.
The Fund is subject to equity markets risk such as changes in investment sentiment, political, economic conditions and issuer specific factors which may adversely affect the fund value.
The Fund may invest in below investment grade and non rated debt securities, which are subject to greater volatility and liquidity risks than higher rated securities.
The Directors may at its discretion make distributions from income and/or capital in respect of the distributing classes of the Fund. Distributions paid out of capital amount to a return or withdrawal of part of the shareholder's original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Such distribution may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per share.
In terms of currency hedged class shares, adverse exchange rate fluctuations between the base currency of the Fund and the class currency of the currency hedged class shares may result in a decrease in return and/or loss of capital for shareholders. Over hedged or under hedged positions may arise and there can be no assurance that the currency hedged class shares will be hedged at all times or that the manager will be successful in employing the hedge.
RMB is currently not a freely convertible currency as it is subject to exchange controls and restrictions. Non RMB based (e.g. Hong Kong) investors are exposed to foreign exchange risk and there is no guarantee that the value of RMB against the investors’ base currencies (for example HKD) will not depreciate. Any depreciation of the RMB could adversely affect the value of investors' investments.
The Fund may acquire financial derivative instruments for hedging and investment purposes. Given the leverage effect embedded in financial derivative instruments, the Fund may be exposed to significant losses.
Investors should not make an investment decision based solely on this material.
BEA Union Investment Global Quality Bond Fund
BEA Union Investment Global Quality Bond Fund (the “Fund”) is a sub-fund of BEA Union Investment Series, which is a unit trust established as an umbrella fund under the laws of Hong Kong.
The Fund seeks medium to long term capital growth and regular income by primarily investing in a portfolio of global investment-grade debt securities.
The Fund is subject to general investment risk, emerging market risk, derivative risk and currency risk.
The Fund invests in debts securities and are subject to risks in interest rates, credit/counterparty, downgrading, below investment grade or non-rated securities, volatility and liquidity, valuation and sovereign debt, credit rating risks which may adversely affect the price of the debt securities.
The Fund's investment in debt instruments with loss-absorption features are subject to risks of being written down or converted to ordinary shares upon the occurrence of complex and unpredictable trigger event which may result in a significant or total reduction in the value of such instruments. These debt instruments may also be exposed to liquidity, valuation and sector concentration risk.
The manager may at its discretion make distributions from income and/or capital in respect of the distributing classes of the Fund. Distributions paid out of capital amount to a return or withdrawal of part of the unitholders original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Such distribution may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per unit.
In terms of currency hedged class units, adverse exchange rate fluctuations between the base currency of the Fund and the class currency of the currency hedged class units may result in a decrease inbreturn and/or loss of capital for unitholders. Over-hedged or under-hedged positions may arise and there can be no assurance that the currency hedged class units will be hedged at all times or that the manager will be successful in employing the hedge.
RMB is currently not a freely convertible currency as it is subject to exchange controls and restrictions. Non-RMB based (e.g. Hong Kong) investors are exposed to foreign exchange risk and there is no guarantee that the value of RMB against the investors base currencies (for example HKD) will not depreciate. Any depreciation of the RMB could adversely affect the value of investors' investments.
The Fund may use financial derivative instruments for hedging and investment purposes which may not achieve the intended purpose and may result in significant losses. Risks associated with derivative instruments include counterparty/credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk.
Investors should not make an investment decision based solely on this material.
BEA Union Investment Asian Bond and Currency Fund
BEA Union Investment Asian Bond and Currency Fund (the "Fund") seeks regular interest income, capital gains and currency appreciation from an actively managed portfolio primarily investing in debt securities denominated in Asian or other currencies and primarily issued by Asian government or corporate entities.
The Fund is subject to general investment risk, Asian market concentration risk, emerging market risk and currency risk.
The Fund invests in debts securities and are subject to risks in interest rates, credit/counterparty, downgrading, below investment grade and non-rated securities, volatility and liquidity, valuation and sovereign debt and credit rating which may adversely affect the price of the debt securities.
The manager may at its discretion make distributions from income and/or capital in respect of the distributing classes of the Fund. Distributions paid out of capital amount to a return or withdrawal of part of the unitholder's original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Such distribution may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per unit.
In terms of currency hedged class units, adverse exchange rate fluctuations between the base currency of the Fund and the class currency of the currency hedged class units may result in a decrease in return and/or loss of capital for unitholders. Over-hedged or under-hedged positions may arise and there can be no assurance that the currency hedged class units will be hedged at all times or that the manager will be successful in employing the hedge.
RMB is currently not a freely convertible currency as it is subject to exchange controls and restrictions. Non-RMB based (e.g. Hong Kong) investors are exposed to foreign exchange risk and there is no guarantee that the value of RMB against the investors' base currencies (for example HKD) will not depreciate. Any depreciation of the RMB could adversely affect the value of investors' investments.
The Fund may use financial derivative instruments for hedging and investment purposes which may not achieve the intended purpose and may result in significant losses. Risks associated with derivative instruments include counterparty/ credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk.
Investors should not make an investment decision based solely on this material.
BEA Union Investment Asia Pacific Multi Income Fund
BEA Union Investment Asia Pacific Multi Income Fund (the “Fund”) seeks to achieve income and long-term capital growth by investing in an actively managed portfolio of debt securities, listed REITs, and other listed securities in the Asia Pacific region.
The Fund is subject to general investment risk, equity market risk, asset allocation risk, Asian market concentration risk, emerging market risk and currency risk.
The Fund invests in debts securities and are subject to risks in interest rates, credit/counterparty, downgrading, below investment grade or non-rated securities, volatility and liquidity, valuation and sovereign debt and credit rating risks which may adversely affect the price of the debt securities.
The manager may at its discretion make distributions from income and/or capital in respect of the distributing classes of the Fund. Distributions paid out of capital amount to a return or withdrawal of part of the unitholder’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Such distribution may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per unit.
In terms of currency hedged class units, adverse exchange rate fluctuations between the base currency of the Fund and the class currency of the currency hedged class units may result in a decrease in return and/or loss of capital for unitholders. Over-hedged or under-hedged positions may arise and there can be no assurance that the currency hedged class units will be hedged at all times or that the manager will be successful in employing the hedge.
RMB is currently not a freely convertible currency as it is subject to exchange controls and restrictions. Non-RMB based (e.g. Hong Kong) investors are exposed to foreign exchange risk and there is no guarantee that the value of RMB against the investors’ base currencies (for example HKD) will not depreciate. Any depreciation of the RMB could adversely affect the value of investors’ investments.
The Fund may use financial derivative instruments for hedging and investment purposes which may not achieve the intended purpose and may result in significant losses. Risks associated with derivative instruments include counterparty/ credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk.
Investors should not make an investment decision based solely on this material.
BEA Union Investment Asian Strategic Bond Fund
BEA Union Investment Asian Strategic Bond Fund (the “Fund”) seeks medium to long term capital growth and regular income by primarily (i.e. at least 70% of its net assets value) investing in debt securities that are (a) denominated in Asian currencies, or (b) issued or guaranteed by Asian governments or entities which are incorporated in Asia or have significant operations or assets in, or derive significant portion of revenue or profits from Asia, and denominated in USD or other currencies including Asian currencies.
The Fund is subject to general investment risk, Asian market concentration risk, emerging markets risk and currency risk.
The Fund invests in debt securities and are subject to risks in interest rates, credit/counterparty, downgrading, below investment grade and non-rated securities, volatility and liquidity, valuation and sovereign debt and credit rating which may adversely affect the price of the debt securities.
The manager may at its discretion make distributions from income and/or capital in respect of the distributing classes of the Fund. Distributions paid out of capital amount to a return or withdrawal of part of the unitholder’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Such distribution may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per unit.
In terms of currency hedged class units, adverse exchange rate fluctuations between the base currency of the Fund and the class currency of the currency hedged class units may result in a decrease in return and/or loss of capital for unitholders. Over-hedged or under-hedged positions may arise and there can be no assurance that the currency hedged class units will be hedged at all times or that the manager will be successful in employing the hedge.
RMB is currently not a freely convertible currency as it is subject to exchange controls and restrictions. Non-RMB based (e.g. Hong Kong) investors are exposed to foreign exchange risk and there is no guarantee that the value of RMB against the investors’ base currencies (for example HKD) will not depreciate. Any depreciation of the RMB could adversely affect the value of investors’ investments.
The Fund may use financial derivative instruments for hedging and investment purposes which may not achieve the intended purpose and may result in significant losses. Risks associated with derivative instruments include counterparty/ credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk.
Investors should not make an investment decision based solely on this material.
Umbrella Funds managed by BEA Union Investment Management Limited
“BEA Union Investment Series” is an umbrella unit trust established under the laws of Hong Kong.
“BEA Union Investment Capital Growth Fund” is an umbrella unit trust (also an approved pooled investment fund) established under the laws of Hong Kong.
“BU Fund Series OFC” is a public open-ended fund company regulated under the laws of Hong Kong (business registration number 71817286) with variable capital and limited liability and segregated liability between sub-funds.*
“BU Investment Series OFC” is a public open-ended fund company regulated under the laws of Hong Kong (business registration number 72687438) with variable capital and limited liability and segregated liability between sub-funds.*
*Registered with the Securities & Futures Commission under the Securities & Futures Ordinance of Hong Kong with registered office at 5/F, The Bank of East Asia Building, 10 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
Information Applicable to the Umbrella Funds Managed by BEA Union Investment Management Limited
Each umbrella fund has within it different sub-funds investing in equities and/or bonds, each with a different risk profile.
A sub-fund’s investment portfolio may fall in value, and therefore investor’s investment in the sub-fund may suffer losses. There is no guarantee of the repayment of principal.
A sub-fund may be subject to general investment and market risks, custody risks, settlement risks, equity investment risks, regulatory risk of equity markets, volatility risk, risk associated with small-capitalisation/mid-capitalisation companies; and risk of investing in IPO.
A sub-fund that invests in debt securities is subject to interest rate, credit/ counterparty, downgrading, below investment grade & non-rated securities risk, volatility and liquidity, sovereign debt, valuation and credit rating risks.
A sub-fund may be subject to risks associated with debt instruments with loss-absorption features, dim-sum bond market risks, risks associated with China Interbank Bond Market and Bond Connect, risks of investing in urban investment bonds.
A sub-fund that invests in China A Shares (via Qualified Investors “QI”, Stock Connects or other permissible schemes available from time to time) may be subject to QI risk, risks associated with Stock Connects, and risks associated with the ChiNext Market and Science and Technology Innovation Board.
Sub-fund that invests in certain Mainland China securities may be subject to withholding and other taxes imposed in Mainland China, and thus expose to Mainland China tax risk.
A sub-fund may be subject to concentration risk /China and Asia market risk, emerging markets risk, asset allocation risk, risks of investing in other funds, currency risk, currency hedging risk, RMB currency and conversion risks.
A sub-fund may use derivatives instruments for hedging and/or investment purposes. The leverage element of a derivative instrument or the ineffectiveness in achieving hedging can result in a significant loss.
The Manager or Directors (as the case maybe) may at its discretion make distribution from income and/or capital in respect of the distributing classes of a sub-fund. Distributions paid out of the capital amount to a return or withdrawal of part of the investors’ original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any such distributions may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per unit (or share). “Net distributable income” means the net investment income (i.e. dividend income and interest income net of fees and expenses) attributable to the relevant distributing class and may also include net realised gains (if any) based on unaudited management accounts. However, “net distributable income” does not include net unrealised gains. Distribution is not guaranteed. Past distribution record is not an indicative of future distribution. A positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return.
Investors should not make an investment decision based solely on this website.
Investors should read the relevant Hong Kong offering documents carefully before making any investment decisions. If you are in any doubt about the contents of any
Hong Kong offering documents or this website, you should seek independent professional advice.
Terms of Use
You must carefully read the following terms of use (“Terms of Use”) of this website and any pages thereof (“this website”) before proceeding. By accessing this website, you acknowledge that you have read the Terms of Use and you have accepted and agreed to be bound by the Terms of Use. If you do not agree to the Terms of Use, do not access this website.
BEA Union Investment Management Limited (“BEA Union Investment”) reserves the right to amend the Terms of Use at any time without notice. If you use this website after the amended Terms of Use has been published, you will be deemed to have agreed to the Terms of Use, as amended.
This website is not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person’s nationality, residence or otherwise) the publication or availability of this website is prohibited or is in contravention with the applicable laws, regulations or rules. You should proceed into this site only if you have satisfied yourself that the country in which you are based imposes no prohibitions or restrictions on the distribution of the collective investment schemes (“funds”) on this website. This website is not intended for persons who are residents in any country/place where the funds are not registered or approved for marketing and for sale, or in which the dissemination of fund information is not permitted. It is your responsibility to be aware of and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction.
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The information contained herein is issued by BEA Union Investment. This website has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission ("SFC") in Hong Kong.
This website has been prepared by BEA Union Investment for information purposes only. Information contained in this website is current as at the date of issue. BEA Union Investment has the right to delete or modify information on this website without prior notice. There is no guarantee that the information on this website has not been altered as a result of technical malfunctions (disconnection, interference by third parties, computer viruses, etc.).
BEA Union Investment reserves the right to grant or revoke the authority to use this website at its absolute discretion. Whilst BEA Union Investment makes every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and complete at the time of its inclusion, it gives no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. BEA Union Investment, its affiliates, directors, officers or employees accept no liability for any errors or omissions relating to information available through this website. BEA Union Investment shall not be responsible for any consequence of any action carried out by any user of this website, whether authorised or otherwise. Furthermore, BEA Union Investment shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions relating to specific information provided by any third party.
Investment Product Information
This website may contain information relating to investment products and services. Some of these investment products may be collective investment schemes ("funds") authorised by the SFC. SFC authorisation is not a recommendation or endorsement of a scheme nor does it guarantee the commercial merits of a scheme or its performance. It does not mean the scheme is suitable for all investors nor is it an endorsement of its suitability for any particular investor or class of investors. Investment products which have not been authorised by the SFC are not available to the retail public in Hong Kong. Certain funds are registered as restricted schemes in Singapore and are made available to the eligible accredited investors only and are not for sale to general public in Singapore.
This website is intended for Hong Kong residents only. Non-Hong Kong residents are responsible for observing all applicable laws and regulations of their relevant jurisdictions before accessing the information contained herein. It is your responsibility to be aware of and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. The investment products and services mentioned in this website are not intended for individuals in the European Union.
The information contained in this website does not constitute a distribution, an offer to buy or sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities in any jurisdiction in which the distribution or offer is not authorised, including without limitation to, the United States of America (“U.S.”) or for the benefit of U.S. persons (being U.S. residents or partnerships or corporations organised under the U.S. laws). Potential investors are responsible for informing themselves as to the legal and any other applicable requirements or restrictions under the laws of their own jurisdictions.
Information contained in this website does not constitute investment advice or recommendations. An investment in funds mentioned in this website may not be suitable for all investors and if you have any doubt about any of the information on this website, you should seek independent professional financial advice.
The commentaries and/or views expressed herein are the views of the writer at the time of issue and may change over time. Analysis contained herein is based on numerous assumptions which may cease to be valid over time. No person should rely on the content and/or act on the basis of any matter contained on this website without obtaining specific professional advice.
Potential investors are responsible for determining whether any investment, security or strategy, or any other product or service is appropriate or suitable for them based on their investment objectives and personal and financial situation. No assurance can be given that the investment objective of any investment products will be achieved. No representation or promise as to the performance of any investment products or the return on an investment is made.
Investment involves risks. Units or shares in funds mentioned on this website may only be bought and sold on the terms set out in the relevant Hong Kong offering documents, as applicable. Investments in emerging markets and smaller companies may involve a higher degree of risk and are usually more sensitive to price movements. Past performance, projection, or forecast included in this website is not a guide to future returns and investors should be aware that the value of units or shares and the income from them may fall as well as rise and they may not get back the full amount invested. Exchange rates may also cause the value of the underlying overseas investments to go up or down. Potential investors should read the terms and conditions contained in the relevant offering documents and in particular the investment policies and the risk factors before any investment decision is made. Investors should ensure they fully understand the risks associated with the relevant fund and should also consider their own investment objective and risk tolerance level.
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